Millicent Rovelo, MD, FACS Beautiful, Natural
Results Start With You

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Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery

  • Beverly Hills Face Cosmetic Treatments

    Facial Plastic Surgery

    Plastic surgery of the face requires careful analysis, precision, and artistry.

    Revitalize, Refresh, and Rejuvenate.

    Dr. Rovelo custom designs each surgery for an individual patient, taking into account each patient’s unique facial structure and aesthetic desires. From facelifts to Rhinoplasty, the ultimate goal is to provide improved symmetry, while creating a more sculpted and enhanced version of you.

    See Facial Plastic Surgery Services
  • breast-enhancements-beverly-hills-dr-rovelo

    Breast Plastic Surgery Procedures

    For many women, our breasts tell the story of our lives. Give them the attention they deserve.

    Enhance, Lift, and Restore.

    Dr. Rovelo specializes in creating beautiful breasts for all patients, including techniques in a Beverly Hills breast augmentation, breast reduction, and reconstruction.

    See Breast Plastic Surgery Procedures
  • Body Plastic Surgery Procedures

    Body plastic surgery is an excellent option for stubborn areas of fat & soft tissue laxity. Although diet & exercise are the mainstays of fat reduction, there are areas that are resistant to such conventional techniques.

    Eliminate, Contour, and Improve.

    Body contouring techniques are performed to eliminate stubborn areas of fat and to improve overall body contour. Many of these surgeries like a Beverly Hills tummy tuck, arm lifts, lower body lifts, and liposuction can be combined for increased enhancement and satisfaction.

    See Body Plastic Surgery Procedures
  • non-surgical face treatments beverly hills

    Non-Surgical Face Treatments

    Nonsurgical techniques of facial enhancement are wonderful options for patients that do not yet need surgical rejuvenation of the face.

    Soften early signs of aging and sun damage.

    Dr. Rovelo is knowledgeable and skilled in the latest botox and filler techniques of noninvasive facial rejuvenation and would love to help you recover and reveal your most beautiful skin and face.

    See Non-Surgical Face Treatments
  • Beverly Hills Non-Surgical Body Cosmetic Treatments

    Non-Surgical Body Treatments

    Similar to the face, other areas of the body such as the chest and hands, can demonstrate signs of aging and sun damage.

    Resurface, Rejuvenate, and Restore.

    Techniques used for non-surgical body rejuvenation including décolletage and hand rejuvenation are designed to accommodate the unique skin and soft tissue properties of these delicate areas.

    See Non-Surgical Body Treatments
dr millicent rovelo beverly hills plastic surgeon

Best Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Dr. Rovelo is a double board-certified Beverly Hills plastic surgeon specializing in all forms of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.

Dr. Rovelo will create a unique, individualized, and comprehensive plan to achieve your desired aesthetic goals.

Throughout all parts of the process, Dr. Rovelo will be available to answer your questions and to guide you through the journey of becoming your most beautiful self.

Dr. Rovelo has a natural eye for beauty and a compelling drive for excellence. She understands the power that beauty and self-confidence can bring to one’s life and well-being.

Get to Know Dr. Rovelo

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