What is Beverly Hills Gynecomastia Excision?
Gynecomastia is an increase in size of the male breast.
Gynecomastia can happen for many reasons, including hormonal changes, certain diseases, drugs, and medicines.
Gynecomastia, or male breast reduction is a male breast surgical procedure.
If medical management of gynecomastia fails, surgical excision is warranted.
The goal of gynecomastia surgery is to remove excess breast tissue and to create an aesthetically pleasing contour of the male chest.
Are you ready to learn more about a gynecomastia?
Who is a Candidate for Gynecomastia Excision in Beverly Hills?
You may want to consider gynecomastia excision if you have:
- Enlarged breasts that cause you discomfort or make you self-conscious
- Breast growth that has stabilized
- Normal weight
How is Gynecomastia Excision Performed?
Gynecomastia surgery is performed under general anesthesia.
Techniques will vary based on individuals.
For patients with both fatty and glandular breast tissue excess, a small incision is made on the inferior border of the areola and the fibrous breast tissue under the nipple is partially removed.
Liposuction is then performed to remove the remainder of fatty breast tissue in the periphery of the breast.
This allows the contour of the male chest wall to be optimally visualized and enhanced.
In some patients, excess skin will need to be excised and the nipple repositioned.
If you are looking for the best plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, book an appointment with Dr. Rovelo to see how she can help you with a male breast reduction.
Gynecomastia Surgery Risks
All surgery is associated with risks.
Risks associated with gynecomastia excision include bleeding, infection, scarring, asymmetry, wound healing problems, changes in nipple sensation, and need for revisional procedures.
It is important to talk with Dr. Rovelo about the risks of your surgery and how the risks can be minimized to provide the best possible outcome.
Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery
Gynecomastia surgery is performed in the outpatient surgery setting, under general anesthesia. Surgery takes about 1-2 hours.
Patients will have a binder placed around their chest and they will go home the same day. Patients will be seen in clinic in one week.
Most patients can resume light activity and work after 4-5 days.
Binder must be worn for about two weeks and then it can be switched out to a latex sport top until all swelling and bruising has subsided.
Heavy lifting and strenuous exercise may be resumed at 4-5 weeks.
Book an appointment online or contact Dr. Rovelo today to discuss your Gynecomastia surgery options.