\ Procedures \ Non-Surgical Body Treatments \ Decolletage Rejuvenation Beverly Hills

Decolletage Rejuvenation Beverly Hills

non-surgical body treatment services

What is Decolletage Rejuvenation?

The decolletage, or the region of the neck and chest, is very delicate and extremely subject to age and photo damage.

Similar to the face, the decolletage region can have areas of hyperpigmentation, wrinkling, and uneven tone and texture.

The goal of decolletage rejuvenation non-surgical body treatment is to soften, smooth, and even out the tone and texture of the decolletage.

Rejuvenation of this area strongly contributes to an enhanced appearance and youthfulness of the face and body.

If you are looking for the best plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, book an appointment with Dr. Rovelo to see how she can help you with a decolletage rejuvenation.

Book an appointment with Dr. Rovelo today

Who is a Candidate for Decolletage Rejuvenation?

You may want to consider decolletage rejuvenation if you have concerns about:

  • Hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, diminished tone and texture of your neck and chest
  • A decolletage region that does not match your face in terms of color, tone, or texture

How is a Decolletage Rejuvenation performed?

Decolletage rejuvenation is performed using a variety of individual and comprehensive techniques.

Wrinkles and bands of the neck are frequently caused by a contracted platysma muscle.

Botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport) addresses hyperactivity and creates a smooth neckline.

Treatments last for 3-4 months and will need to be repeated for continued effect.

Light based therapies including the Alma Harmony AFT and DyeVL technologies are used to address areas of hyperpigmentation, sun spots, and broken capillaries.

This typically takes 4-6 treatments performed every 3-4 weeks.

Once the areas of discoloration are improved, a resurfacing laser can be used to improve the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

The Erbium:YAG 2940nm ablative laser requires 2-3 sessions at 6 week intervals, and provides significant improvements in the texture, and wrinkles of this region.

Using a combination of various techniques, the decolletage can be rejuvenated back to an appearance of youthfullness, beauty, and elegance.

Decolletage Rejuvenation Risks

The risks of decolletage rejuvenation are similar to the risks of injections and laser therapies performed elsewhere on the face and body.

Prior to your procedures, you will have a consultation with Dr. Rovelo to discuss your unique skin type and to discuss how risks can be minimized to provide the best possible outcome.

Decolletage Rejuvenation Recovery

Your recovery from decolletage rejuvenation is dependent on the type of procedures performed.

Recovery from injectable therapy is quick and results are visible within 3-7 days.

Light based therapy requires minimal downtime and effects are seen within 2 weeks of treatment, although multiple sessions are required for optimal effect.

Ablative laser therapy requires 5-7 days of downtime and is associated with skin redness and peeling.

For all procedures, it is important to protect the treated areas from the sun with protective clothing and sunscreen.

Moisturization is very important following therapy to protect and hydrate treated areas.

Once skin has recovered from light based or laser therapy, Retin-A therapy should be resumed to prolong and enhance the results of treatment.

Book an appointment online or contact Dr. Rovelo today to discuss your decolletage rejuvenation options.

Non-Surgical Body Treatments Services