\ Procedures \ Facial Plastic Surgery \ Brow Lift Beverly Hills 

Brow Lift Beverly Hills 

brow lift beverly hills

What is a Beverly Hills Brow Lift?

A brow lift is a facial surgical procedure designed to raise and elevate a drooping brow line.

With aging, the brow line descends and results in upper eyelid drooping, and a tired appearance around the eyes.

In an effort to combat this descent, the forehead muscles remain contracted, resulting in horizontal forehead wrinkles.

The goal of a brow lift for Dr. Rovelo is to rejuvenate and open up the appearance of the forehead, brow, and upper eyelid region.

If you are looking for the best plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, book an appointment with Dr. Rovelo to see how she can help you with a brow lift.

Are you ready to begin your aesthetic journey with Dr. Rovelo?

Who is a candidate for a Brow Lift in Beverly Hills?

You may want to consider a brow lift if you have:

  • Drooping eyebrows
  • Drooping or excess upper eyelid skin
  • Persistent horizontal forehead wrinkles
  • Overall tired appearance around the eyes and upper face

How is a Brow Lift Performed?

A brow lift can be performed in several different ways.

  • A coronal brow lift involves a long incision across the scalp. The soft tissues of the forehead and brow line are elevated and redraped, and the excess tissue excised. This procedure results in a long scar across the scalp and has a longer recovery time than other less invasive procedures, although the results tend to last a little bit longer.
  • A pretrichial brow lift places an incision directly in front of the hairline and can be used to shorten an excessively long forehead. It has similar efficacy as a coronal brow lift, but it does risk visible scarring at the hairline.
  • An endoscopic brow lift is the most common brow lift procedure, as it can be performed quickly with decreased downtime. In this procedure, several small incisions are made in the scalp and the procedure is performed with the assistance of an endoscopic camera and instruments. Recovery is quicker and associated with less scarring than more invasive procedures.
  • A direct brow lift can be performed using an incision placed directly over the eyebrows. This procedure is performed to elevate a drooping eyebrow but it does not address forehead wrinkles. It can be performed quickly and easily with local anesthesia but it does result in a visible scar. This procedure is best used in patients who are primarily concerned with drooping of the eyebrow and upper eyelid. Ideal patients have thick skin and full eyebrows in which the scar can be more easily camouflaged.

All of the above methods can be performed alone or in combination with other facial rejuvenation procedures, including blepharoplasty, facelift, and fat transfers.

Brow Lift Recovery

Recovery after a brow lift depends on the technique utilized.

All of the techniques are performed in an outpatient surgery center under either local or general anesthesia.

Patients will go home the same day.

Recovery ranges from several days to a week, depending on the technique.

Schedule a consultation online or contact Dr Rovelo today to discuss your brow lift options.

Book an appointment with Dr. Rovelo today