\ Procedures \ Facial Plastic Surgery \ Chin & Cheek Implant Beverly Hills 

Chin & Cheek Implant Beverly Hills 

chin cheek implant beverly hills.

What Are Facial Implants in Beverly Hills?

Facial implants is a facial procedure that are prosthetic devices that are placed under the soft tissue structures of the face to enhance the underlying bony structure.

Implants can be made from various materials, but the most common material used in aesthetic procedures is silicone.

As facial aging occurs, soft tissue is lost from the midface and placement of a cheek implant can restore the youthful appearance of the cheeks.

Dr. Rovelo uses cheek implants to create a more defined cheekbone.

Chin implants are frequently used to augment the chin and create facial symmetry and balance.

The goal of all facial implant placement is the creation of facial contours that are natural, youthful, and aesthetically pleasing.

If you are looking for the best plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, set up an appointment with Dr. Rovelo to see how she can help you with an cheek or chin implants.

Are you ready to begin your aesthetic journey with Dr. Rovelo?

Who is a Candidate for Facial Implants?

You may want to consider facial implants if you have:

  • Loss or drooping of the soft tissues of the midface (e.g. lower eyelids and cheeks)
  • Poorly defined cheekbones
  • Receding or small chin
  • Desire for a more proportional face

How are Facial Implants Placed?

  • Implants are placed directly on top of bone and under the soft tissues of the face
  • Cheek implants can be placed through an intraoral incision, a lower eyelid incision, or through a hairline incision. Cheek implants can also be placed at the time of a Beverly Hills facelift.
  • Chin implants are placed through an incision inside your mouth or through an incision under your chin
  • Incision placement is determined by where the implant needs to be specifically placed and by whether an additional procedure is being performed

Facial Implants Risks

All surgery is associated with risks.

Risks associated with implant placement include scarring, infection requiring antibiotics and/or implant removal, migration of the implant, and need for revisional procedures.

It is important to talk with Dr. Rovelo about the risks of your surgery and how the risks can be minimized to provide the best possible outcome.

Facial Implants Recovery

Facial implant surgery is performed in the outpatient surgery setting and typically lasts about 1 hour.

Patients can go home following surgery.

Patients will be given instructions on how to care for their sutures, and if there are any sutures on the skin, they will be removed after one week.

Swelling will persist for up to 6 weeks but may persist longer.

Most patients can return to work and public life after 1 week.

Book an appointment online or contact Dr Rovelo today to discuss your facial implant options.

Book an appointment Dr. Rovelo today