\ Procedures \ Body Plastic Surgery Procedures \ Lower Body Lift Beverly Hills

Lower Body Lift Beverly Hills

lower body lift beverly hills

What is a Lower Body Lift in Beverly Hills?

Patients with a history of massive weight loss often have significant amounts of redundant and excess skin that obscures the results of their massive weight loss.

A lower body lift body procedure by Dr. Rovelo removes excess tissue of the lower back, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

It elevates the sagging tissues of the buttocks and outer thighs and tightens the skin and tissues of the abdomen and back.

The overall effect is dramatic, revealing the true lines and contours of the underlying muscles and body.

If you are looking for the best plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, book an appointment with Dr. Rovelo to see how she can help you with a lower body lift.

Are you ready to discuss your goals with Dr. Rovelo?

Who is a Candidate for Lower Body Lift?

You may want to consider a lower body lift if you have:

  • Excess skin and laxity of the soft tissues of the abdomen, lower back, outer thighs, and buttocks secondary to massive weight loss
  • Difficult with hygiene and chronic rashes due to the redundant tissue and excess skin

As with all body contouring procedures, the ideal patient has been stable at their goal weight and does not have plans for future weight loss.

How is a Lower Body Lift Performed?

A lower body lift combines multiple procedures into one circumferential procedure.

The procedure is initiated with liposuction of the flanks and outer thighs.

An incision is then made at the top of the buttocks and extends over the hips.

Through this incision, excess skin of the lower back, buttocks, and outer thighs is excised.

The procedure continues with an abdominoplasty that includes rectus muscle plication and excision of the excess skin of the abdomen and flanks.

Multiple drains are placed and the patient is placed into compression garments.

Lower Body Lift Risks

All surgeries are associated with risks. The risks of a circumferential body lift are similar to those of other body contouring procedures.

The most common risks are wound healing problems, fluid collections (seromas), and unsightly scars.

Additional risks include bleeding, infection, asymmetry, and need for revisional procedures.

It is important to talk with Dr. Rovelo about the risks of your surgery and how the risks can be minimized to provide the best possible outcome.

Lower Body Lift Recovery

Patients who undergo a lower body lift will have more motion restrictions and difficulty with mobilization than with other body contouring procedures.

Although it is important to protect the incision lines, it is also important to ambulate and mobilize a little bit every day.

For this reason, it is recommended that patients stay in an aftercare facility for at least several days.

This will allow them to maximize the assistance available to them, to have assistance with mobilization, and to prevent them from over-exerting themselves.

Movements will be difficult and limited for the first 1-2 weeks.

After 2 weeks, activity can slowly increase but no heavy lifting or strenuous exercise should be performed until after 6 weeks.

Patients will have multiple drains, and they should expect to have weekly office visits until all drains are removed.

Depending on their type of employment, patients may be able to return to work in 3-5 weeks.

Book an appointment online or contact Dr. Rovelo today to discuss your lower body repair options.

View Before and After Lower Body Results

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